fresh & balanced
At Orchard Street OBM, we aim to bring calm and a fresh perspective to business owners, like you, who feel like they need a better balance or change in their business.

We work with Christian business owners who like to keep things fresh.
If you are ready to bring someone on to take over the day-to-day running of your current business, so you can move on to your next adventure, business, or hobby, then you’re in the right place!
Our perfect pairing is established business owners who are looking for a partner to come into their business and take care of all the things – from decision-making to team management, training, and idea generation.
Not afraid of trying new flavors of business
Have a variety of offers
Want to build their team as they step away
Feel like their business needs a refresh or new life
Want to pursue another passion/interest/hobby
Aim to create the recipe for their business rather than just follow one given by someone else.
We are ready to step in. No hand holding. No hoopla.

You are planning a getaway.
In the past you focused on how to manage your workload, how to fit your computer into your carry-on, and at this point you would have already called ahead to make sure you’d have good internet connection at the hotel.
But not this time.
This time, you let me know when and where you’re going. We create a plan.
Maybe I’m leading a training or one of the monthly Q&A sessions for your membership.
While you’re gone, I’ll be running the first round of interviews for that digital marketing position we’re hiring before the Q3 launch.
I’m also going to make sure the launch prep continues as planned.
Then we stop talking business, and we start talking about the trip.
We discuss the drinks you’ll try or the local cuisine you’re most looking forward to.
You leave on your trip knowing that we’ve got it all under control.
You are able to enjoy two weeks of peace regardless of whether you have cell service or not.

pick your flavor

Your Main Squeeze
(monthly retainer)
You’re looking for your right-hand, your ride or die, someone to talk strategy and implement it for you. We can take over the day-to-day completely (decision making and all)!
Let’s talk monthly retainers!

The Secret Menu
(special projects)
You’ve got a special project in mind and you need someone to come in and make it happen.
I’ve got you.
I’m creative, flexible, and dependable, and I can take your idea and run – no recipe needed.

(team management)
Your team is the life blood of your business, but they are also leaving you feeling totally juiced.
Let me handle the team, so you can get to the meat of the business.

Served on the Rocks
(VIP Strategy Session)
Let’s “go for drinks” figuratively.
Schedule a strategy day to work through your goals, clean up your metrics, and make a plan.
Whether you are feeling blended or on the rocks, a good strategy session is good for the soul!
The best professional complement I've ever received
…was when I walked into the building, and my coworker looked at me and he said – is it odd that when I see you I immediately feel more at ease. You just make me feel like everything will work out.
A good OBM is a steady presence. Someone both you and your team can depend on.

Ready to talk about it?
Schedule a discovery call by clicking the link.
I look forward to meeting you and learning more about your where your business is and where you hope it will go.

the thing about Fruit
Have you ever spent too much time thinking about fruit?
Just me, huh.
Well, I was stuck. I was in a rut, and fruit gave me direction.
Let’s talk about it.
I was sitting at my computer thinking about my OBM business. Now, I’m not a normal OBM who lives and dies by the organization and the processes. I enjoy those things, and I can put them in place, but what I can offer your business is more than that.
As I was looking through an image library for photos I felt would “represent” Shelley Leiser, OBM, I stumbled upon the photo to the right/bottom.
I couldn’t stop looking at it.
First of all, the composition of the fruit, the organization of the fruit on the counter made me think about how organization is in the eye of the beholder. Is this fruit organized? Organization is about what works in the perspective of the whole picture, the whole business.

Organization is not something you do individually and force upon others. It is about making the composition of the business work cohesively within the needs of that particular business.
Then, I noticed the triangles. Do you see them? In this photo filled with round fruit, you are also seeing dozens of triangles. Triangles are one of the strongest most balanced shapes, and they are found naturally in the center of citrus fruit.
A good OBM is balanced, and steady, and sure of themselves, but they are also able to “roll” with it…did you see what I did there.
An OBM helps enhance a business, just as adding a piece of fruit to a beverage enhances the flavor. It doesn’t change what the beverage is, it just gives it a little extra flavor that it couldn’t accomplish with out a little outside perspective.
Next, I thought about the color. It is vibrant, but it is natural. The color is attractive because it is what it was intended to be, and despite being different kinds of fruit, the colors play well together. They are the perfect team. They each have their own strengths, their own flavor, but they can live in harmony with their colors and flavors. As an OBM, I work to help you create a team that feels as effortless as the fruit in this photo.
Lastly, I thought about the impact. If I put a picture of citrus fruit on the homepage of my site, I’m pretty sure I would be the only OBM in the International OBM Directory that had fruit on her homepage. Is that weird, or is that fresh, unique, and a-“peel”-ling to the right person.
Then it struck me…in the OBM world, I’m a lemon…in a good way!

The Thing About Fruit

Have you ever spent too much time thinking about fruit?
Just me, huh.
Well, I was stuck. I was in a rut, and fruit gave me direction.
Let’s talk about it.
I was sitting at my computer thinking about my OBM business. Now, I’m not a normal OBM who lives and dies by the organization and the processes. I enjoy those things, and I can put them in place, but what I can offer your business is more than that.
As I was looking through an image library for photos I felt would “represent” Shelley Leiser, OBM, I stumbled upon the photo to the right/bottom.
I couldn’t stop looking at it.
First of all, the composition of the fruit, the organization of the fruit on the counter made me think about how organization is in the eye of the beholder. Is this fruit organized? Organization is about what works in the perspective of the whole picture, the whole business.
Organization is not something you do individually and force upon others. It is about making the composition of the business work cohesively within the needs of that particular business.
Then, I noticed the triangles. Do you see them? In this photo filled with round fruit, you are also seeing dozens of triangles. Triangles are one of the strongest most balanced shapes, and they are found naturally in the center of citrus fruit.
A good OBM is balanced, and steady, and sure of themselves, but they are also able to “roll” with it…did you see what I did there.
An OBM helps enhance a business, just as adding a piece of fruit to a beverage enhances the flavor. It doesn’t change what the beverage is, it just gives it a little extra flavor that it couldn’t accomplish with out a little outside perspective.
Next, I thought about the color. It is vibrant, but it is natural. The color is attractive because it is what it was intended to be, and despite being different kinds of fruit, the colors play well together. They are the perfect team. They each have their own strengths, their own flavor, but they can live in harmony with their colors and flavors. As an OBM, I work to help you create a team that feels as effortless as the fruit in this photo.
Lastly, I thought about the impact. If I put a picture of citrus fruit on the homepage of my site, I’m pretty sure I would be the only OBM in the International OBM Directory that had fruit on her homepage. Is that weird, or is that fresh, unique, and a-“peel”-ling to the right person.
Then it struck me…in the OBM world, I’m a lemon…in a good way! 🍋